Internet Transaction Services
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Organizations are looking to move their website presence beyond the basic display of information.

There are a limited number of low cost solutions that provide the flexibility and ease of use needed to encourage full expansion of the website as a distribution center for business. Consequently, even organizations that accept some online payments or transactions have difficulty expanding these services. Many types of transactions still require initiation via telephone, mail or an in-person visit.

Antaeus' Transaction Utility (ATU) is designed to fill this gap.
Woman at desk
ATU simplifies the creation, acceptance and processing of multiple types of online payments and non-payment transactions. Each transaction type can function independently and is fully customizable with its own URL, appearance, information, payment methods and communications. Most importantly, we work with your existing systems to make this all happen! Antaeus will provide a breakdown by transaction type to simplify posting to your accounting system.

Our solution is perfect for municipalities and other organizations that have a large variety of transactions, multiple departments and/or have the need to change their transactions frequently.

We guarantee superiority of product. Contact us for a free consultative review and demonstration of what Antaeus can do for your organization.
For more information on how Antaeus can help your city or county, please visit eCityTransactions.com
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